5 Reasons I Stopped Doing Yoga: What Every Christian Should Know!

 Welcome back to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, I'm Kim Dolan Leto!

This episode has been on my heart for a long time. I had a different episode planned, but I woke up this morning and felt God telling me that today was the day to share this.

Right from the start, let me say I used to practice yoga—this isn’t a judgmental or legalistic message. If you're a Christian practicing yoga, I understand; I was there too! My journey with yoga started innocently, as a simple way to exercise, find peace, and relieve stress. But over time, I experienced a realization that completely changed my perspective. God revealed a truth to me that I couldn’t ignore, ultimately leading me to walk away from yoga. I want to share my story out of love and a desire to spread the truth.

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My Yoga Story

***Please listen to the podcast episode above for the full story...

I started going to yoga because of perimenopausal anxiety, but as a Christian, I began to feel convicted about it. Something about it just didn't feel right. I made deals with myself, saying, "I’m just stretching," "It helps me destress," or "I pray for people while I’m there." I’d even take Scriptures with me and avoid chanting. I argued with those who said yoga wasn’t compatible with Christianity, believing that "God knows my heart."

But here’s why I ultimately stopped doing yoga: one day, while in class in a pose called Lizard Pose, the instructor asked us to perform a collective "Lion’s Breath." Picture the room—about 100 people in it, the air hot, and a reddish light filling the space. Unaware that this was a practice intended to "awaken" something spiritually (later I learned this was the kundalini, a demonic spirit), I followed along, sticking out my tongue and exhaling forcefully as instructed.

After I exhaled, I could see myself in the room. It was as though I was looking down on a room full of demons, it looked like a satanic orgy, and I was terrified. I rolled up my mat, left the class, got into my car, and prayed for God’s forgiveness.

I sat in my car convicted by the words, "What does light have to do with darkness?" It was overwhelming. We must remember that Satan can masquerade as an angel of light.


Here Are The 5 Reasons I Stopped Doing Yoga and What Every Christian should know:

Foundational Scripture: "You shall have no other gods before me." – Exodus 20:3


1. Yoga Is More Than a Workout—It’s a Religion

Yoga means "to yoke" with Brahma, a Hindu god. The Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?"  And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?"

Many think Yoga poses are harmless, but Yoga poses aren’t just poses they are all specifically created to bring honor and worship the over 330 million false Hindu gods and goddesses; which are demons.

This is a violation of Romans 12:1, where we’re called to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. The Ten Commandments are clear: "You shall have no other gods before me."

Maybe like me, you think your poses and flow are innocent, but each pose is to a false god and their purpose is worship.

Yoga isn’t just about physical exercise. While it’s often promoted as a workout, yoga originated as a deeply spiritual practice tied to Hinduism, aiming to unite the you with the divine. Many poses and practices in yoga are designed to awaken Kundalini energy, often symbolized by a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. This energy, when "unleashed," is said to move through the body’s chakras (energy centers), leading to spiritual enlightenment. While it may sound mystical, this awakening is tied to beliefs and practices that are not aligned with Christianity.

Kundalini In Hinduism, kundalini is a form of divine feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine, in the muladhara. It is an important concept in Śhaiva Tantra, where it is believed to be a force or power associated with the divine feminine or the formless aspect of the Goddess. *source

It’s called Awakening the Serpent! I was shocked to see a picture of this!

During that yoga class, I learned a practice called Simha Mudra, or “Lion’s Breath.” It’s a breathing exercise meant to stimulate energy and release “blocks.”  The goal of yoga is to connect you to the kundalini spirit, a demonic spirit, and awaken the serpent!

This "awakening" is symbolized by a serpent and involves practices that don’t align with Christianity. This is mystical, and it’s tied to spiritual beliefs that conflict with our faith in the ONE TRUE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISSAC, and JACOB!


2. Yoga Encourages Worship of the Universe Instead of the Creator


Many yoga philosophies teach that we’re connected to the universe, encouraging a sense of reverence and worship toward it. The concept of worshipping creation—nature, the self, or “divine energy”—became unsettling for me as a Christian.

Yoga often blends these ideas into each practice, from acknowledging the “divine within” to invoking energy from the universe. This goes against, Romans 12:1 which tells us, Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice.

There is a common saying, "Give it to the universe!" But what should be said is, "Give it to God the one who created the universe!"

We are called to worship the Creator, not creation. 

Practicing yoga often involves mantras and visualizations to connect with the "divine within," but this is not the light of God. The Bible calls us to worship God alone.

3. Yoga is about being “Spiritual,” Not “Spirit-Filled”

What God creates – satan counterfeits. The Bible warns that Satan blinds people to the true gospel and presents counterfeits.

2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us, By blinding the minds of men to the true gospel of God, Satan has set himself up as a counterfeit of the Creator God.

Yoga poses open you up to the spirit realm, and these spirits are not the Holy Spirit! They are demonic.

There’s a big difference between being "spiritual" and being "Spirit-filled." Yoga encourages clearing the mind, finding inner light, and seeking harmony with oneself and the universe. But as Christians, we're called to renew our minds—not empty them. (Romans 12:2.) God’s Spirit renews and transforms us, while yoga encourages a path of enlightenment that doesn't lead to God.

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 is a warning about the light yoga talks about

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15: It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. 


For Christians, yoga is a counterfeit spiritual experience. They may see it as resembling the work of the Holy Spirit but it is not.


4. Yoga Poses and Practices Are Idolatrous and Can’t Be Redeemed

I remember loving the way I felt after yoga until I went through my experience. I believe that it’s because we are opening ourselves up to spirits… 

1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.

Doreen Virtue said, Bringing scriptures to yoga is like putting  Scriptures on an Ouija board that doesn’t make it holy.

I think where this is hard is that we're looking for spiritual experience, but this is a counterfeit experience. This is not a spiritual experience with God, it's with demons.

For example, at the end of class they say Namaste. Namaste means the god within me recognizes and honors the god within you… 

And when you say it you do a pose called Mudra where you put your hands to your heart in a prayer position to seal your hearts which is yoking yourself to false gods.

This concept points to a different understanding of divinity—one that sees divinity as something within ourselves rather than from God alone.


5. You Don’t Need Yoga to Find Peace and Relaxation

One of the main reasons people turn to yoga is for the calm, centered feeling it brings. Yoga places a heavy emphasis on breathwork, which certainly has physical and mental benefits.

Breathwork comes from God.

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4.

The truth is, you can find similar relaxation through stretching or deep breathing exercises without the spiritual undertones of yoga.

The peace that yoga promised felt temporary. My deepest peace, I realized, doesn’t come from a pose or a breath—it comes from Christ alone. God offers a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), a peace I don’t have to meditate on or summon through specific practices. I can stretch, breathe, and relax in ways that honor God and keep my focus on Him.

John 14:27 tells us, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


A Final Thought

Walking away from yoga was a conviction I couldn’t ignore. Once you know, you know! My journey taught me that while yoga seems beneficial, its spiritual roots don’t align with my faith in Jesus. I share this not to judge anyone, but to encourage those who may feel the same conviction. As Christians, we don’t need to compromise our faith for peace or wellness—God offers everything we need.

If you’re a Christian practicing yoga, I hope my story encourages you to seek truth. You can find peace, relaxation, and health without compromising your relationship with Christ.





 My Stretching Routine

Stretching is important, so I want to clarify that I’m not saying not to stretch! I now do a series of stretches that flow naturally without any yoga postures. 



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 Remember You are Strong. Confident. His. 


*I want to thank people like Doreen Virtue and Jenn Nizza for their boldness in sharing videos about this.


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