Balance Fitness, Family, and Business Through Faith with Barre 3 Owner: Karie Johnson

fitness May 07, 2020

Balancing Fitness, Family, and Business Through Faith with Barre 3 Owner: Karie Johnson

(Press play to listen, or enjoy reading highlights below.)

Do you struggle with:

  • Finding balance?

  • Having a healthy body image and teaching it to your kids?

  • Giving God your stress and problems, but taking them back? 

  • Needing to surrender parts of your life to Him to find peace?

If so, this is for you…

>> On today’s new show, bold Jesus follower, beautiful busy mama, Barre 3 owner, Karie Johnson, and I talk about all of this and more on Strong. Confident. His.<<

Here's a photo of me and Karie! She was pregnant, and I had just given her this Preggers shirt as a gift!

She immediately put it on...Love her! 

Join us and tune in!

Just press play above to listen to Karie share her inspiring faith-filled truth, or listen on apple.

When I started the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, I saw the power of bringing real women on the show who are doing extraordinary things. 

I want to help you realize that you can dream big dreams too, conquer your fitness goals, and find bold confidence in yourself through Christ.

>> Do you know that this can be you too?<<

Too often we hear the word of God, and even inspiring stories about people doing the very thing we long to accomplish, but somehow we count ourselves out.

Don't count yourself out, friend!

Romans 12:2 tells us, 

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Our minds are the battlefield, they are where we win or lose everyday. 

Renewing our minds to God’s truth enables us to overcome the lies that hold us down, the anxiety that paralyzes our progress, and find success in surrender to Him.

Whatever’s holding you back, I’m praying that the power it has over you is gone! 

Dear God,

Please sink your life-changing Word deeply into our hearts and minds. Help us know all we can do and be in you. You are our loving Father and we lean on you in this moment to be our source of clarity, strength and guidance. Create a fire in us to live motivated to serve and carry out every good thing you have planned. Like Esther 4:14 says, Perhaps this is the moment for which we have been created…

In Jesus’ name, amen.


I'm never going to leave you with asking you to take action.

Nothing happens without action, and I’m here to be your accountability partner.

Join My Power Up Challenge!

Make sure to Subscribe/Rate/Review to the Strong. Confident. His. Podcast, and head over to my social media. Tell me how taking a scripture to your workouts or how my Free Spotify Christian Playlists are powering your workouts.

When you do, you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Challenge! 

I pick one winner every week, and you’ll either get a 10-minute call from me, a copy of my best-selling christian fitness book Faith Inspired Transformation, the FIT workout series or some fun Christian swag. 

I’m invested in your success. 

If you’d like to get fit, gain control over your appetite and feel more confident, make sure you go to my site and download my free resources. 

Tune in to the show, and get a renewed mindset founded in the Word, and a big dose of faith-filled motivation. 

I want to remind you that God only made one you.

He calls you His Masterpiece. 

You are a piece of the Master.

Let that sink in for a minute...

And remember:

You are Strong. Confident. His.

From my heart to yours,

God bless,

Links Mentioned In This Episode:

Barre 3 North Scottsdale

Barre 3 Paradise Valley

Barre 3 on Instagram

Barre 3 on Facebook

Karie Johnson's Personal Instagram

Strong. Confident. His. Podcast

Free Resources

My Social Media



P.S. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I’m celebrating women becoming God’s best version of themselves!

For the next 5 days, I’m offering the entire digital Faith Inspired Transformation Program for just $27.00!

Here’s what you get:


50% Complete

Two Step

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