Today I’m sharing a life-changing word. In Him We Live: 18 Scriptures Revealing Your True Identity as a Christian Woman! This is based on Acts 17:28 and I cannot wait to share with you what God has put on my heart.
For in him we live, and move, and have our being…
I know there is at least one of the scriptures that is exactly what you need to hear.
You know, one of our greatest weaknesses is that we don’t know who we are in Christ, or we forget, so after this blog, I hope you will have a better understanding of that and I pray you feel a burden lift a breakthrough happen.
Our identities have been formed from our life experiences, but these events and circumstances can separate us from our worth in Christ and cause us to feel insecure, shameful, and fearful. Sadly, an identity in anything other than Christ can make us sit on the sidelines of our lives and play small to keep ourselves safe. But in Christ, we can be made new and even renewed and refreshed in Him daily.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV)
Do you feel unworthy? Do you struggle with unresolved guilt or shame? Do you feel insecure around other women? Do you compare yourself to others or envy those who have what you want? As I said those words, did anything come to mind?
This is a hand-on-your-shoulder, let’s-get-free-in-Christ kind of moment. So, friend…
I am here to tell you this…
We change our behavior by changing what we believe and what we believe about ourselves can either help us or hurt us, so as I share these scriptures, ask yourself, do I believe this about me?
When you know who you are in Christ, you are free to overcome old mindset patterns, old pains, old temptations, and old ways. In Him, you are being made new.
I was asked to speak at a conference, so, of course, my old ways start to surface. We all have them right, old thinking patterns. I started to think things like; People know I was a fitness model years ago, right? Surely they’re not expecting me to show up looking like I did then, are they? Ugh, the pressure!! But immediately, I heard God say, “You’re dead to this!”
Later that day, I went to the gym, and a girl walked up to me and asked me, “Are you Kim Dolan Leto?" I said, “Yes,” and after we talked a bit, she said, “You don’t look like you used to.”
Immediately, I thought I see you, devil, and thought of Ephesians 6:12, āā “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
This girl probably didn’t mean anything bad, but the enemy knew how insecure fitness made me and how my weight has always been a struggle. When I walked away, I smiled and thought I see you, God, thank you. He showed me how the devil was trying to drag me right back to the pit of not-enoughness.
This inside-out journey of knowing who we are in Christ renews and refines us. In Him, we have peace and power.
I’m going to pray for us because we need the power of the Holy Spirit, I want these scriptures to cause breakthroughs!
Dear God,
I pray over every woman reading this. That you would show her which of these scripture was for her. Help her, heal her, fill her with your truth. Expose the enemies lies in her life, open her eyes and heart. Help her receive your healing word. Show her she is your daughter, forgiven, worthy, fearfully and wonderfully made, loved, chosen, and set apart, for such a time as this.
I pray for breakthroughs over addictions, shame, guilt, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorders. I pray for health and wholeness in our minds, hearts and bodies.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Think of your fitness and wholeness as an inside-out job. Knowing the Word of God is our truest and greatest strength training because we have an enemy who will do anything to keep us from knowing our worth in Christ. The devil wants our focus on what we’re not, so he points out everything we do wrong. But in Christ, we have power, and we can only know this power if we arm ourselves with the Word.
Remember the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in you!
“Don’t ever think that the sin of your past means there is no hope for your future.” —John Piper
In Christ, you are being made new. Guilt and shame, comparison, pride, insecurity none of these have a place in your life. Daily you are changing from glory to glory in the image of God.
You are an image bearer of God, so only He has the right to define who you are.
You may be wondering what this has to do with your fitness, and the answer is we don’t do fitness and worth the way the world does. We stand on the finished work of the Cross. In Christ, we live and move and have our being. Self-care is about stewardship. Our fitness is Christ-centered, not self-centered.
For example, you are not reduced to numbers on a scale, body parts, or the size of your clothes. You are God’s Masterpiece, and you are a piece of the Master. Knowing who you are makes you walk in your power and authority.
A woman who finds her confidence in Christ has a strength and beauty the world can’t touch.
Please screenshot these scriptures, print them out, speak them over yourself and your children, and share them with a friend.
This is the truth that sets us free. God has given you all the instructions for living you need in The Bible. It is our manual for life.
The Bible has the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, including our fitness!
I encourage you to take the next step and learn how to get Fit God’s Way by getting your copy of the book. You can buy Fit God’s Way everywhere books are sold.
Remember you are Strong. Confident. His.
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