Get in the Word and Workout

fitness Apr 16, 2020

 Get in the Word and Workout With Me!

(Press play to listen above, or enjoy reading the highlights below.)

I know it’s easy to get overwhelmed right now and want to press pause on life but hold onto hope because God is faithful.

I want to encourage you with a fresh mindset through the Word!

Invite you to workout with me through some new free resources, pray for you and get you into action to strengthen you from the inside out.

If you’re trying to work and workout from home and life is full of distractions trying to get things done while helping the kids with online school, I’m here to help!

I’ve created something special for you.

>>5 FREE Strong. Confident. His Workouts & a Get FIT God’s Way Guide<<

Inside you’ll be able to:

  • Workout with limited space
  • Workout without equipment
  • Exercise for all levels Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
  • Create a roadmap to set fitness goals in faith
  • Create a FIT Power Hour daily routine to create results that last

I teach fitness through faith because God has a plan for your life, but you need to be healthy and fit in your mind and body to activate and accomplish His purpose for you.

Here’s our Bible-based proof...

 Proverbs 31:17 and 31:25 tell us... 

She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. 

She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. 

When it says, dresses herself with strength, I want you to actually picture yourself just like it says in Ephesians 6:10-17 putting on the whole armor of God.

Ephesians 6:10 says, Finally, my sisters, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!

> Now if you don’t know what any of this means, I’m so glad you're here and I want to help, so go here to learn more.

This armor might sound a bit overwhelming if it’s new, so I want to make it simple and relevant to you right now:

It isn’t as difficult as you might think. All the pieces of the armor are found in a relationship with Jesus. Paul said it like this: “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14). When you give yourself to Jesus and “put on” His righteousness, you are clothed in the whole armor of God.” 

You might be thinking how can I laugh without fear of my future.

And sweet friend here's our answer: The battle belongs to the Lord.

With our eyes on Jesus and our hearts and minds grounded in the truth of HIs word, we can get through anything.  

>>>SO if you take anything away from this today it this: 

Being strong in your mind through the word is how you find the want to, the discipline, the ability to dig deep and say, I’m going to be the best version of me for Him. Where do you need to be strong right now?

>I want you to be strong in your mind and your body, so I created a workout for you that you can do at home, it’s for all levels and you can pick the exercises you like and do them anywhere - no equipment required.

Knowing you’re at home and probably don’t have the equipment and limited space, these are workouts you can do anywhere. 

If you’ve never worked out with me, my training is fueled by faith.

I share a faith inspired message with scripture to power your workout.

There are beginning, intermediate, and advanced options.

Go here to get started:

>>5 FREE Strong. Confident. His Workouts & a Get FIT God’s Way Guide<<

I want to pray for you sweet friend...


Dear God, 

I pray that Your word sinks so deeply into the hearts and minds of these beautiful women listening. Show them that in you they can dress themselves with strength, make their arms strong, and laugh without fear of the future. 

Be with us in this moment, help us take action and refuse the lies of the enemy. We place our lives and our trust in You in confidence that you will guide us, take care of us, and strengthen us in our inner being.

 Through this time we need the comfort of your love, the strength of your spirit, and the peace that only you can bring. We know the battle belongs to you, and no matter what happens we can rest in faith and put our trust in you.

Help us get off the couch, take action and renew our minds and be our best for you.

 In Jesus’ name, amen.

You’re not alone on this journey!

Together we are... 

Strong. Confident.His.

Until next week...

From my heart to yours, God bless,


Join my Power Up Challenge! 

I know you’re going to find so much faith-filled value and inspiration from this episode.

I’d love to hear from you.

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Then make sure to tell me how this encouraged you today, and you’re automatically entered into my Power Up Weekly Challenge!

Also, if you haven’t yet, subscribe to the podcast. I add devotional episodes each week, if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you'll miss them. Subscribe here!

When you do, I’ll be picking one winner every week to do either a 10-minute coaching call, get a copy of my Best-selling Christian Fitness Book: Faith Inspired Transformation, a copy of my Faith Inspired Transformation Workout Series or some fun Christian swag. 

She is Clothed in Strength and Dignity and She Laughs Without Fear of The Future. – Proverbs 31:25

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